Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

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Messaggi: 55
Iscritto il: 4 apr 2020, 10:50

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da ErikH »

Carlo ha scritto: 6 apr 2020, 2:32
ErikH ha scritto: 5 apr 2020, 20:10 Its also funny Italians would bring up Auschwitz. Italy was facist. Killed jews and africans in the millions.

So whats the difference? We counted in Auschwitz?

Did Italians count in Libya?

Did Italians count in Ethiopia?

Italians bringing up Auschwitz and calling us racist is laughable.

Italy was Nazi as well. Mussolini killed millions in his wars. And Italians supported it with applause.

So bringing up that doesnt help Italy. As the austrian financial minister said today, Corona is no reason for shared debt.
At least we agree that diversity in europe is a plus.
Mussolini was a dark part of our history, but nothing compared to your. Hungarian SS were even worse.
Thank to God we had some antibody that fight Fascism (not Nazi). I believe that some antibody still esist.

There is nothing like hard times and difficulties to test the solidness of structure. I'm rather curious to see if Europe finally decide to think and to act as Europe, or let the things to separate apart. We, italians, say that "the real friend helps when there is a real need".
We do help, with medicine and more. But we will not send cash.

As our parliament president Schäuble yesterday said: "There is a medical tragedy in Italy and i find it interesting, that the only thing the italian government thinks about is...getting money."

He is right with that. We send medications, breathing machines, offer monetary help via EU institutions. What we dont want is shared debt. We dont want that italian politicians decide about German financial issues.
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Messaggi: 2891
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 23:48
Mi Piace Inviati: 39 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 61 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Vento »

ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:06
Vento ha scritto: 6 apr 2020, 0:28
ErikH ha scritto: 6 apr 2020, 0:09
Vento ha scritto: 5 apr 2020, 23:18

It is not true, the policy of open borders has never ended and was recently reiterated by von der Leyen: the external borders are closed for the Covid19, but they are always open to illegal immigrants. Crazy.

There is currently no democracy in the European Union and the most absurd policies are imposed, such as open borders, without any legitimacy. In a true democracy, different policies and different politicians must alternate in short time, but this does not happen, neither in Europe nor in Germany. Democracy is also blocked in Germany, where it is not possible to send away the political class of Merkel, which is now out of history, but remains there.

This is leading to the division of Europe and its end and the Germans are primarily responsible for it. Why didn't you dissociate yourself from the activities of your ships with illegal immigrants from Libya? Those who are silent, agree and Rackete had the support of Brussels and Berlin. And also the Italian Catholics and Communists, who act against the Italian nation, have enjoyed European support. For this Salvini could not do more. You have ruined your reputation and no one trusts you today.

Im far right AfD.

Most what you said is wrong. Migration dropped by 97% since 2016. The EUHC allowed spain pushbacks, greece blocked borders and pushed back. I expect same from Italy.

What do you have a coast guard and navy for? Protect your border, push them back.
Bruxell intervenes in Italian politics, supporting the left (of communist and Catholic origin) in every way. Merkel does the same, both towards Italy and other countries that do not bow to her vision, such as Orban and Poland, continually attacked on unfounded pretexts. If you do not have the strength to change politics and politicians in Germany, nothing will change in Brussels too, and then it will be better to close the EU experience, provided that Brussels allow you to leave (the GB had to suffer). Ultimately we suffer from a lack of freedom and democracy, in a European regime increasingly similar to the USSR, and the responsibility lies above all with Swedes and Germans and their paralyzing feelings of guilt.
I have zero feelings of guilt, as you propably noticed. In my state Thüringen, AfD is wnd strongest party. Politics in Germany changed drastical since 2015. Merkel is powerless and if you did not notice, Greece showed recently how it works.

And if Brussels scares Italy, then you are lost.

One thing about Merkel, she has no vision. She went from pro migrant in 2015 to open fire at 2020. Her vision is to stay in power. She has no deeper agenda as that. She stands for nothing.
Unfortunately, the ruling political class manages to remain in power even if it does not have a majority, as is happening in Sweden with Lofven, because the opposition is divided, thanks to the propaganda of the left that accuses them of racism, Nazism and blames them. Germany seems to be on the same path, given that it cannot free itself from this ruling class, thus also blocking any hope of changing that of Brussels.
Meanwhile, the ship of the German NGO has loaded illegal immigrants into Libya and is arriving in Italy. I have never heard AfD say anything against this criminal practice or in support of the politics of our right (Salvini). It is early to sing victory over Greece, I don't know how it will end, given that Germany has a soft spot for Turkey.
Recently van der Leyen and Bassoli in Greece said conflicting things, the former thanked Greece for the defense of the borders (absolute novelty), the latter instead condemned it.
Agenda 2030: non possiederai nulla e sarai felice.
Dal comunismo bolscevico al comunismo capitalista.

Fuck Europe FuckYou by Victoria Nuland
Amen and Awoman :lol: egalité
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Iscritto il: 4 apr 2020, 10:50

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da ErikH »

Vento ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 10:42
ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:06
Vento ha scritto: 6 apr 2020, 0:28
ErikH ha scritto: 6 apr 2020, 0:09

Im far right AfD.

Most what you said is wrong. Migration dropped by 97% since 2016. The EUHC allowed spain pushbacks, greece blocked borders and pushed back. I expect same from Italy.

What do you have a coast guard and navy for? Protect your border, push them back.
Bruxell intervenes in Italian politics, supporting the left (of communist and Catholic origin) in every way. Merkel does the same, both towards Italy and other countries that do not bow to her vision, such as Orban and Poland, continually attacked on unfounded pretexts. If you do not have the strength to change politics and politicians in Germany, nothing will change in Brussels too, and then it will be better to close the EU experience, provided that Brussels allow you to leave (the GB had to suffer). Ultimately we suffer from a lack of freedom and democracy, in a European regime increasingly similar to the USSR, and the responsibility lies above all with Swedes and Germans and their paralyzing feelings of guilt.
I have zero feelings of guilt, as you propably noticed. In my state Thüringen, AfD is wnd strongest party. Politics in Germany changed drastical since 2015. Merkel is powerless and if you did not notice, Greece showed recently how it works.

And if Brussels scares Italy, then you are lost.

One thing about Merkel, she has no vision. She went from pro migrant in 2015 to open fire at 2020. Her vision is to stay in power. She has no deeper agenda as that. She stands for nothing.
Unfortunately, the ruling political class manages to remain in power even if it does not have a majority, as is happening in Sweden with Lofven, because the opposition is divided, thanks to the propaganda of the left that accuses them of racism, Nazism and blames them. Germany seems to be on the same path, given that it cannot free itself from this ruling class, thus also blocking any hope of changing that of Brussels.
Meanwhile, the ship of the German NGO has loaded illegal immigrants into Libya and is arriving in Italy. I have never heard AfD say anything against this criminal practice or in support of the politics of our right (Salvini). It is early to sing victory over Greece, I don't know how it will end, given that Germany has a soft spot for Turkey.
Recently van der Leyen and Bassoli in Greece said conflicting things, the former thanked Greece for the defense of the borders (absolute novelty), the latter instead condemned it.
AfD in 2019 adviced Salvini to fight migrants.

AfD has an ambivalent opinion about Salvini. We think harsh border protection must be done from Italy. In that we Support Italy. What we dont like is Salvinis anti german speeches
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Messaggi: 2891
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 23:48
Mi Piace Inviati: 39 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 61 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Vento »

ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 12:48
Vento ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 10:42
ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:06
Vento ha scritto: 6 apr 2020, 0:28

Bruxell intervenes in Italian politics, supporting the left (of communist and Catholic origin) in every way. Merkel does the same, both towards Italy and other countries that do not bow to her vision, such as Orban and Poland, continually attacked on unfounded pretexts. If you do not have the strength to change politics and politicians in Germany, nothing will change in Brussels too, and then it will be better to close the EU experience, provided that Brussels allow you to leave (the GB had to suffer). Ultimately we suffer from a lack of freedom and democracy, in a European regime increasingly similar to the USSR, and the responsibility lies above all with Swedes and Germans and their paralyzing feelings of guilt.
I have zero feelings of guilt, as you propably noticed. In my state Thüringen, AfD is wnd strongest party. Politics in Germany changed drastical since 2015. Merkel is powerless and if you did not notice, Greece showed recently how it works.

And if Brussels scares Italy, then you are lost.

One thing about Merkel, she has no vision. She went from pro migrant in 2015 to open fire at 2020. Her vision is to stay in power. She has no deeper agenda as that. She stands for nothing.
Unfortunately, the ruling political class manages to remain in power even if it does not have a majority, as is happening in Sweden with Lofven, because the opposition is divided, thanks to the propaganda of the left that accuses them of racism, Nazism and blames them. Germany seems to be on the same path, given that it cannot free itself from this ruling class, thus also blocking any hope of changing that of Brussels.
Meanwhile, the ship of the German NGO has loaded illegal immigrants into Libya and is arriving in Italy. I have never heard AfD say anything against this criminal practice or in support of the politics of our right (Salvini). It is early to sing victory over Greece, I don't know how it will end, given that Germany has a soft spot for Turkey.
Recently van der Leyen and Bassoli in Greece said conflicting things, the former thanked Greece for the defense of the borders (absolute novelty), the latter instead condemned it.
AfD in 2019 adviced Salvini to fight migrants.

AfD has an ambivalent opinion about Salvini. We think harsh border protection must be done from Italy. In that we Support Italy. What we dont like is Salvinis anti german speeches
If EU exists, it has borders that must be defended by the community itself, where and how little it matters. Otherwise EU does not exist.
Instead EU has always imposed open borders and demonized local self-defense attempts.
Only the French, Hungarian and Polish right party defended Salvini. unfortunately the German right follows the same policy as the left, or otherwise understands only its own local interests (German area). In both cases, nothing good can be done together, obviously.
Agenda 2030: non possiederai nulla e sarai felice.
Dal comunismo bolscevico al comunismo capitalista.

Fuck Europe FuckYou by Victoria Nuland
Amen and Awoman :lol: egalité
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Messaggi: 6460
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 20:31
Località: Messina
Mi Piace Inviati: 61 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 37 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Valerio »

Greetings from Italy.
L’agenzia risponde con una mail in italiano allo straniero
Credo che anche lei si trovi nella sua abitazione, così avrà il tempo sicuramente di tradurre questa nostra mail, quindi le scrivo in italiano. E la invito anche a tradurre questo antico detto. Sui cadaveri dei leoni festeggiano i cani, Ma i leoni restano sempre leoni e i cani restano sempre cani. Cordialità. ... video/amp/

The agency replies with an email in Italian to the foreigner.
I believe that she is also in her home, so she will surely have time to translate our email, so I am writing them in Italian.And I also invite you to translate this ancient saying. Dogs celebrate on the corpses of lions, But lions always keep lions and dogs always remain dogs. Friendliness.
Sovranità al Cittadino.
Non abbiamo un pianeta
In onore dei pennuti heyokani: Non ereditiamo la terra dai nostri antenati, la prendiamo in prestito dai nostri figli.
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Messaggi: 6003
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 17:34
Mi Piace Inviati: 109 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 35 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da nerorosso »

ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:11
Carlo ha scritto: 6 apr 2020, 2:10
Valerio ha scritto: 5 apr 2020, 10:02 That some Itlians call China a "friend" is ridicolous. China made this Virus with their disgusting animal markets.

China sells faulty test kits and non functional masks. Meanwhile COVID-19 still ravages China but China doesnt report about it.

China acts like a locust and a Italy that depends on China becomes a chinese colony exploited and thrown away.

When i read your posts i think you are unable to understand the other side.

Germany has zero trust in the italian political system. And i know most italians have no trust in their own political system.
First of all, I think there are no reasons, no one scientifical reason to blame Chinese for coronavirus. A lot of Fake News are spreading like viruses: someboby claims it born in china, somebody else in Italy and somebody else in the USA. As a matter of fact the first virus has been imported in Europe from China to Germany.
And, from what I know, and I mean from scientific papers, is that COVID-19 is of natural origin.
Please refrain to spread this kind of viruses.

If you'd like to avoid that all the Europe become under control of China (since now we under control of USA and USA loose power in favour of China), the only way is to keep together the Europe. There is no chance for Germany alone to compete with trillion of chinese peoples.
Are you aware of Chinas disgusting chinese traditional medicine? Their disgusting markets, where bats, pangolins, cats and monkey are sit next each other in filthy cages? Those wet markets are breeding ground for Virus. SARS, MERS, COVID-19 all come from there. Thats a matter of fact. As long China doesnt ban that, they create more and more of such tragedy.

The Virus contains DNA from african Pangolin, chinese bat and indian Civet. All came together on their dirty wet markets. And thats a matter of fact. Of course if you call their filth and dirt natural, so be it.
Questa te la quoto.

Conosco da parecchi anni alcuni cinesi colleghi di lavoro. Come in tutti i popoli c'è del buono e del marcio.

Ma concordo con te sul fatto che, almeno in Cina, hanno un modo disgustoso e crudele di trattare gli animali.

Non è possibile per un occhio civile guardare certe cose.
Per non parlare del fatto che mangiano i cani!!!

Per noi popoli europei un tabù quasi pari al cannibalismo (anche se in tempo di guerra mia nonna raccontava che erano spariti tutti i cani randagi e i gatti)…
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Messaggi: 6460
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 20:31
Località: Messina
Mi Piace Inviati: 61 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 37 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Valerio »

Nerorosso, non ti fare sentire da heyoka. Beer4
Sovranità al Cittadino.
Non abbiamo un pianeta
In onore dei pennuti heyokani: Non ereditiamo la terra dai nostri antenati, la prendiamo in prestito dai nostri figli.
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Messaggi: 6003
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 17:34
Mi Piace Inviati: 109 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 35 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da nerorosso »

Valerio ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 17:33 Nerorosso, non ti fare sentire da heyoka. Beer4
Anche tu però, dai…

Non credo heyoka mangi i gatti… Beer4

Vabbè che si dice "veronesi tutti matti, vicentini magna gatti"… ;)

Beer4 :mrgreen:

Ho fatto un anno di militare a Verona, e conosco parecchi veneti...

Mio cognato, marito di mia sorella, è di Rovigo…
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Iscritto il: 10 giu 2019, 11:41
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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da heyoka »

Per noi popoli europei un tabù quasi pari al cannibalismo (anche se in tempo di guerra mia nonna raccontava che erano spariti tutti i cani randagi e i gatti)…
Un tabù?
Nel vicentino nelle case di campagna " el gato in tecia" è sempre considerato una prelibatezza per palati raffinati.
Io ho avuto modo di gustare alcune volte questo piatto tipico della cucina vicentina e ti assicuro che è fantastico.
Adesso sono anni che è stato messo all'indice dal politicamente corretto.
E da allora sono in astinenza. 😭😭😭
La vita è come un ponte, puoi attraversarla ma non costruirci una casa sopra.
(Proverbio dei Sioux)
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Messaggi: 6003
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 17:34
Mi Piace Inviati: 109 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 35 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da nerorosso »

heyoka ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 18:26
Per noi popoli europei un tabù quasi pari al cannibalismo (anche se in tempo di guerra mia nonna raccontava che erano spariti tutti i cani randagi e i gatti)…
Un tabù?
Nel vicentino nelle case di campagna " el gato in tecia" è sempre considerato una prelibatezza per palati raffinati.
Io ho avuto modo di gustare alcune volte questo piatto tipico della cucina vicentina e ti assicuro che è fantastico.
Adesso sono anni che è stato messo all'indice dal politicamente corretto.
E da allora sono in astinenza. 😭😭😭
Siete dei selvaggi. Non potrei mai mangiare un gatto…

Oltre al fatto che dicono somigli al coniglio che a me non piace.

Ma poi l'idea stessa, a me felinofilo, fa rabbrividire.

Siamo una famiglia animalista. In guerra mia nonna aveva un gatto che poi gli fu fatto sparire proprio da alcuni sfollati veneti. Almeno quello era il suo sospetto.

Mio nonno piemontesissimo però spinto dalla fame mangiò tranquillamente arrosto felino, ma erano tra militari... ;)
Per mia nonna semplicemente non esisteva una cosa simile, e devo dire che concordo con lei. Non potrei mai mangiare un gatto.

Parecchi anni fa qui in Piemonte venne fuori un caso di un ristorante che proponeva arrosto di camoscio. Peccato che facesse mangiare ai suoi clienti arrosto di cane...

Angry1 Angry1
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Messaggi: 6460
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 20:31
Località: Messina
Mi Piace Inviati: 61 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 37 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Valerio »

Gatti vicentini a parte, i nativi americani, quando il cibo scarseggiava non disdegnavano i cani. Non mi risulta, però, che mangiassero i loro ponies, anche se non ne avevano alcuna cura e li spingevano fino alla morte. :shock:

E i cavalli noi li mangiamo tranquillamente (sfilacci).
Sovranità al Cittadino.
Non abbiamo un pianeta
In onore dei pennuti heyokani: Non ereditiamo la terra dai nostri antenati, la prendiamo in prestito dai nostri figli.
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Iscritto il: 27 mar 2020, 9:53

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Carlo »

ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:11 Are you aware of Chinas disgusting chinese traditional medicine? Their disgusting markets, where bats, pangolins, cats and monkey are sit next each other in filthy cages? Those wet markets are breeding ground for Virus. SARS, MERS, COVID-19 all come from there. Thats a matter of fact. As long China doesnt ban that, they create more and more of such tragedy.

The Virus contains DNA from african Pangolin, chinese bat and indian Civet. All came together on their dirty wet markets. And thats a matter of fact. Of course if you call their filth and dirt natural, so be it.
Speakinh about food, what for you can be disgusting for others may be not disgusting. After all, is killing an animal, whatever it is.
Anyway, I was meaning artificial virus made in laboratory...
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Messaggi: 6003
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 17:34
Mi Piace Inviati: 109 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 35 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da nerorosso »

Carlo ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 22:26
ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:11 Are you aware of Chinas disgusting chinese traditional medicine? Their disgusting markets, where bats, pangolins, cats and monkey are sit next each other in filthy cages? Those wet markets are breeding ground for Virus. SARS, MERS, COVID-19 all come from there. Thats a matter of fact. As long China doesnt ban that, they create more and more of such tragedy.

The Virus contains DNA from african Pangolin, chinese bat and indian Civet. All came together on their dirty wet markets. And thats a matter of fact. Of course if you call their filth and dirt natural, so be it.
Speakinh about food, what for you can be disgusting for others may be not disgusting. After all, is killing an animal, whatever it is.
Anyway, I was meaning artificial virus made in laboratory...
Col poco inglese che so Valerio, già non mi piace l'uccisione degli animali, di qualunque animale si parli, poi questi mangiano animali per noi assolutamente inconcepibili. Cani, gatti, persino pipistrelli…

Tu mangeresti un pipistrello?

Su questo concetto quoto Erik.
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Messaggi: 6003
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 17:34
Mi Piace Inviati: 109 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 35 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da nerorosso »

Valerio ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 19:53 Gatti vicentini a parte, i nativi americani, quando il cibo scarseggiava non disdegnavano i cani. Non mi risulta, però, che mangiassero i loro ponies, anche se non ne avevano alcuna cura e li spingevano fino alla morte. :shock:

E i cavalli noi li mangiamo tranquillamente (sfilacci).
Gli sfilacci sono buoni, ok. Ma pensare che provengono da un cavallo, animale che amo al pari del cane, mi da ribrezzo al pensiero di mangiarli.
Preferisco di no…

Io sono tendenzialmente vegetariano, dopo aver guardato negli occhi una mucca non ho più desiderio di carne…
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Messaggi: 55
Iscritto il: 4 apr 2020, 10:50

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da ErikH »

Carlo ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 22:26
ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:11 Are you aware of Chinas disgusting chinese traditional medicine? Their disgusting markets, where bats, pangolins, cats and monkey are sit next each other in filthy cages? Those wet markets are breeding ground for Virus. SARS, MERS, COVID-19 all come from there. Thats a matter of fact. As long China doesnt ban that, they create more and more of such tragedy.

The Virus contains DNA from african Pangolin, chinese bat and indian Civet. All came together on their dirty wet markets. And thats a matter of fact. Of course if you call their filth and dirt natural, so be it.
Speakinh about food, what for you can be disgusting for others may be not disgusting. After all, is killing an animal, whatever it is.
Anyway, I was meaning artificial virus made in laboratory...


again and again China is the breeding ground for deadly Viruses. Amd thats a simple fact. All those Virus were created on their disgusting markets.

There are first groups who advice German government to sue China for the damages. 200 billion. For Germany alone.

This time China wont get away with it. What matters most now is to punish China. Its good to see many companies leave China amd want produce here. USA does that as well. France too.
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Messaggi: 6003
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 17:34
Mi Piace Inviati: 109 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 35 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da nerorosso »

ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 22:56
Carlo ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 22:26
ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:11 Are you aware of Chinas disgusting chinese traditional medicine? Their disgusting markets, where bats, pangolins, cats and monkey are sit next each other in filthy cages? Those wet markets are breeding ground for Virus. SARS, MERS, COVID-19 all come from there. Thats a matter of fact. As long China doesnt ban that, they create more and more of such tragedy.

The Virus contains DNA from african Pangolin, chinese bat and indian Civet. All came together on their dirty wet markets. And thats a matter of fact. Of course if you call their filth and dirt natural, so be it.
Speakinh about food, what for you can be disgusting for others may be not disgusting. After all, is killing an animal, whatever it is.
Anyway, I was meaning artificial virus made in laboratory...


again and again China is the breeding ground for deadly Viruses. Amd thats a simple fact. All those Virus were created on their disgusting markets.

There are first groups who advice German government to sue China for the damages. 200 billion. For Germany alone.

This time China wont get away with it. What matters most now is to punish China. Its good to see many companies leave China amd want produce here. USA does that as well. France too.
For capitalism "business is business". If pruduction in China is cheap western capitalism will continue to produce in China.
Remember: for capitalism is always "business"…
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Messaggi: 55
Iscritto il: 4 apr 2020, 10:50

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da ErikH »

nerorosso ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 23:38
ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 22:56
Carlo ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 22:26
ErikH ha scritto: 7 apr 2020, 7:11 Are you aware of Chinas disgusting chinese traditional medicine? Their disgusting markets, where bats, pangolins, cats and monkey are sit next each other in filthy cages? Those wet markets are breeding ground for Virus. SARS, MERS, COVID-19 all come from there. Thats a matter of fact. As long China doesnt ban that, they create more and more of such tragedy.

The Virus contains DNA from african Pangolin, chinese bat and indian Civet. All came together on their dirty wet markets. And thats a matter of fact. Of course if you call their filth and dirt natural, so be it.
Speakinh about food, what for you can be disgusting for others may be not disgusting. After all, is killing an animal, whatever it is.
Anyway, I was meaning artificial virus made in laboratory...


again and again China is the breeding ground for deadly Viruses. Amd thats a simple fact. All those Virus were created on their disgusting markets.

There are first groups who advice German government to sue China for the damages. 200 billion. For Germany alone.

This time China wont get away with it. What matters most now is to punish China. Its good to see many companies leave China amd want produce here. USA does that as well. France too.
For capitalism "business is business". If pruduction in China is cheap western capitalism will continue to produce in China.
Remember: for capitalism is always "business"…
Capitalism is also survival of the fittest. Companies that produced in China only now go bancrupt. Companies that depend on chinese deliveries face such gargantuan costs now, break of delivery lines ect, that they too face closure and bancruptcy. We now see a massive shift in global delivery lines. Away from China, back to Europe, USA and to SE asian countries.

Btw for communism its also always for business, just more shitty. My parents grew up in eastern Germany and can tell you, how pathetic communism is.
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Messaggi: 6460
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 20:31
Località: Messina
Mi Piace Inviati: 61 volte
Mi Piace Ricevuti: 37 volte

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Valerio »

Germany made agreements with China before us.

Hic sunt leones!

Dogs are on our borders.
Sovranità al Cittadino.
Non abbiamo un pianeta
In onore dei pennuti heyokani: Non ereditiamo la terra dai nostri antenati, la prendiamo in prestito dai nostri figli.
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Messaggi: 697
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 22:01

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Gasiot2 »

from what I have seen in person, many European companies have delocalized production in China, demanding the quality of their brand, but to the detriment of safety at work standards and not caring about workers' rights
over time, non-compliance with anti-pollution regulations has produced not only profits for the Chinese state and for our industries, but now we can see the collateral damage
we do not blame the Chinese peasants who have always eaten everything without problems due to hunger but forced overpopulation in industrial areas without regulations
“Se un uomo è uno stupido, non lo emancipi dalla sua stupidità col mandarlo all'università. Semplicemente lo trasformi in uno stupido addestrato, dieci volte più pericoloso.”
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Messaggi: 697
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 22:01

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Gasiot2 »

all this if we consider this virus as a natural fact that came by chance among ordinary people, if instead we estimated that it was created in the laboratory by scientists ... and not necessarily Chinese?
“Se un uomo è uno stupido, non lo emancipi dalla sua stupidità col mandarlo all'università. Semplicemente lo trasformi in uno stupido addestrato, dieci volte più pericoloso.”