Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Forum di discussione sulla politica italiana, i partiti e le istituzioni.
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Der Panzerhund
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Messaggi: 35
Iscritto il: 10 mar 2020, 16:44
Ha Ricevuto: 2 Mi Piace

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Der Panzerhund »

La Germania come anche l’Italia continua stupidamente ad accogliere demoni anti tedeschi mascherati da profughi.

Il castigo divino osserva e punisce coloro che infettano i popoli nordici.
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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Holubice »

ErikH ha scritto: 4 apr 2020, 11:11 ...
Foreigners only see the German economic power but never see where it comes from. Yes we have low debt but gigantic surplus, gigantic gold reserves and can easily pay to german unemployed in the crisis enormous amounts of money. But only because we saved money in better times.
The german position is quite clear. We help. With medics, supplies and medical support. We will also help through EU institutions.
Insulting Germany and Germans wont help Italy. It will only change the view Germans have on Italy.
I hope i could show how people see it over here.

Hi Erik
I subscribe completely your discussion and examination. You, and your fellow citizens, you are 100% right. And I explain better why...


Goes back few years, when economic situation was not bad for everyone:

United States of America had and enormous Public Debt of 22.000 dollars, about 105% of their Global Domestic Product. In the meantime, the American People, overall, they had a private economical and financial wealth about 4 times their Nationa Debt.

Italy, in the same period, had a huge Public Debt of 1.671 millions of euro, about 102% of our Global Domestic Product. In the meantime, please note, the Italian People, overall, we had a private economical and financial wealth about 9 times of our National Debt.

Those are statistic coming from a neutral source: an internationa Swiss Insurance Company, a company is looking for new clients who could invest in their products. Without regarding is that money is honest, or fraudulent.

In other words, the Italian People, if it wants, it has an enormous amount of wealth to cope, to pay back its Debt. The Italian People just wants someone else pay the money we, for at least 50 years, we didn't want to pay in our annual individual income tax return.

Please, copy this post, and send it to all your mates and friends (in forums, in your socials...) in Germany and else where... We don't need your money. We have so much money, that we could help you instead, if just we want it... In this country we have a famous proverb...

"Chiàggh, e fòtt..."
(it means: "Cry and, while you are crying, fuck someone else...)

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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Holubice »

Der Panzerhund ha scritto: 19 apr 2020, 16:14 La Germania come anche l’Italia continua stupidamente ad accogliere demoni anti tedeschi mascherati da profughi.

Il castigo divino osserva e punisce coloro che infettano i popoli nordici.
Io sono stato per un anno in questo manicomio qui...


Emanuele Scieri, l’ex parà arrestato: “Se mi incastrano, muoio in carcere. Vado negli Usa e rinuncio alla cittadinanza”


"... Se stavolta riescono a incastrarmi, mi sa che ci muoio in carcere“. Era ottimista solo il fratello di Alessandro Panella, lui no. L’ex caporal maggiore della Folgore, ai domiciliari da giovedì mattina perché accusato dell’omicidio volontario del commilitone Emanuele Scieri avvenuto il 13 agosto 1999 nella caserma Gamerra di Pisa, temeva che la sua situazione potesse complicarsi. Anche per questo, forse, aveva prenotato un volo per Chicago di sola andata. Voleva tornare negli Stati Uniti, dove lavora da dieci anni, e non fare più ritorno. Lo dimostrano – e anche per questo il gip Giuseppe Cipoletta ha ordinato l’arresto – le intercettazioni ambientali captate tra l’ex militare e i suoi famigliari. ..."


In buona sostanza, questo invasato ha deciso di punire, insieme ad altri caporali inquadratori, una recluta recalcitrante che non correva o non saltava abbastanza (se ricordo, uno studente di legge). Solo che quello era il posto più sbagliato per impuntarsi, lo hanno portato dietro uno dei magazzini, e lo hanno riempito di botte. Fino ad ammazzarlo. Per non fare scoppiare uno scandalo, e per non finire in galera, hanno fatto passare la cosa come un suicidio, ovvero hanno portato nottetempo la salma del povero avvocato in cima alla torre dove si fanno i lanci simulati, e poi lo hanno buttato già a sfracellarsi a terra.

Non stento a crederlo che questo sia avvenuto. Ricordo infatti che, quando arrivai io nel battaglione scuola, i miei due caporali inquadratoti erano, il primo, il capo ultrà di una squadra di serie A o B, un autentico invasato e deficiente, capace di ogni angheria e sopruso imbecille, quando è stato congedato, ci è arrivata notizia che aveva litigato con il padre della fidanzata, gli aveva messo le mani addosso, ed era finito in galera (tanto per inquadrare il tipo). Il secondo era un tipo piccoletto, bassotto, pelato, di Milano, con le movenze di un Ducetto redivivo. Al contrario dell'altro era sì inca$$oso, ma era dotato di buona cultura, e a me faceva un sacco ridere. Quelli che il sabato e domenica, d'estate, dovevano essere messi a pulire i cessi o le padelle non veniva stabiliti in anticipo, ma li sceglieva lui in base alla divisa di gala (più o meno) ordinata: ci metteva tutti in fila e, se avevi un bottone che buttava da una parte, addio giornate a Viareggio, te le passavi tutte a sturare le latrine. Anche lui, però, fece una fine infausta: lo beccarono con l'auto praticamente imbottita di cocaina, chili e chili, e finì in gattabuia. Da come era scattante e reattivo, scommetto che qualche chilo se lo è pipato pure nella nostra camerata...

Dai retta a Holubice: semmai tornassero i nostri germani amici Tedeschi, al suono di Wagner, e al rumore di Panzer, dopo poco tempo, guardando ai nostri comportamenti (nei fatti) Sub-Shariani, ci tirerebbero delle banane, e/o ci schiavizzerebbero, secondo il piano congegnato da Adolf nei suoi giorni in carcere. Il destino riservato a tutti "Der Untermensch" (e meticci mezzo sangue) come noi...

Der Untermensch! The Subhuman! Nazi Propaganda


Io non ti conosco, ma ti immagino già con troppi riccioletti, con degli occhi troppo olivastri, insomma intravedo in te quelle goccie di sangue negro che non ti possono far rientrare nel novero degli uomini propriamente 'bianchi'.


"C'è sempre qualcuno più puro, che ti epura"

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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Holubice »

ErikH ha scritto: 13 apr 2020, 17:06 ...
And you know what. Im proud that my ancestors lived in wood houses when Rome was a barbaric tyranny and had mostrosities like the Colosseum, where hundredthousands of people were killed.
Im also proud that it were my ancestors, who destroyed the roman army.
It were Germans who destroyed Rome and freed Europe from its terror.
We have a giant monument here, where Hermann (you call him Arminius) crushs the roman eagle under his feet
You call it arrogance, when Germany doesnt want be robbed by people who dont work. I say its just natural that we stand to fight off people who want robb us.
Italy NEVER has helped Germany in the last 2500 years.
I have nothing against the fact that we send medicine and help your people medical.
What we will not do is to send our money and we will NEVER give italian politicians the right to decide about german money.
You are partially wrong. The famous ...

Roman Limes


... included part of your country, as the Ancient Roman, while they had to decide where to drown a boundary, the choose the Rein river, and the Danube River. As, at that period, a huge river was a formidable military deference natural construction. Bealive me, If the Rein river was flowing just 500 km eastward, you were in the Roman Empire for sure. The Emperor August fought back Arminius, and he killed many of your great, great father but, at the end, he realized that, without another Rein river to protect the new acquired territories, it was too expensive and difficult to keep those lands in the Roman Empire. You had luck...


As for robbers and robberies... Well, look at what it has happened just the day before yesterday...

$37 billion of treasure hidden around Germany. FROM tonnes of gold to priceless art and “UFOs”, a loot worth billions was hidden across Germany decades ago.


"... AS Nazi Germany began to fall in 1945 its leaders set about hiding the treasures they looted for the previous six years.
Priceless art and silver, some of it stolen from the Jewish people they sent to the gas chambers, artefacts taken from museums and tonnes of gold — all stashed in mines or sunk in lakes as defeat in World War Two loomed, The Sun reported. While some of these cultural treasures were saved by Allied units, around $37 billion of loot is still missing. And the hunt for it is still on. Last year, locals in the Polish town of Walbrzych claimed to have found evidence of secret railway tunnels where, legend has it, Third Reich generals hid a train loaded with gold and jewellery. In 2012 a $1.8b horde of art, some of it stolen by the Nazis, was uncovered in a Munich flat. Treasure hunters have also focused on various lakes where billions in Reichsbank gold was thought to have been dumped. Here, we pick out what is still missing — and where it might be. 1. WEWELSBURG, HIMMLER’S $93 MILLION IN SILVER IN the hills surrounding the castle of Wewelsburg, northeast Germany, the hunt is on for an SS jewellery haul worth around $93m. SS overlord Heinrich Himmler bought the castle before the war and used it to plot his death squad raids. As the Reich crumbled, he abandoned Wewelsburg and is thought to have stashed more than 9200 silver rings he awarded to members of the SS — which he ordered be returned to the castle after their deaths — in a cave. Konrad Kienast, 44, a gas company worker, said: “I have been looking for five years. I guess the odds can’t be any longer than playing the lotto. Besides, you get a lot of fresh air and there’s really no danger involved. One day I might get lucky.” 2. JONAS VALLEY, HITLER’S UFOS AND THE TSAR’S AMBER ROOM Jonas Valley, in central Germany, is said to have it all. Its centre, the town of Ohrdruf, was home to the S-III Führer HQ. ...

You can have a look at other sources, if you want, and if you can... ... -race.html ... 180968894/ ... -gold.html ... ntina.html ... -nazi-gold

Worst of the Nazi party official, there are just the Swiss bankers that, for centuries, they helped any kind of criminals, mafia bosses, cocaine and heroine trafficker, corrupted politicians and tax evaders... They hide their disgusting behavior, behind a very clean and efficient country.


(the famous perfectly white tombs)...


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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Holubice »

ErikH ha scritto: 12 apr 2020, 15:30 See, in Germany you cant go retire before you are 67 years old, no matter if you started with 14 or not.
Wages in Germany are high, but so are cost of living and taxes.
AfD is not colonialism. AfD stands for german interests.
Its not in the german interest to give money to Italy. I dont want pay taxes for Italy as long as german pensioners must collect bottles and trash to survive.
How about a deal, Germany spends money for its own people. Each pensioners gets a minimum rent of 1200 €. Each german child gets enough money so it is above minimum and if then something is left, we can send Italy.
Own people first. We have nothing to do with Italy.
This German young boy says a lot of things true. But He forget a small detail. Not secondary.

That's true that Italy, as well Greece, we enter in the Euro single currency as we had and very high interest rate on our national bonds (BOT, CCT, BTP) and we were going to go bankrupt. That is it.

As well it is true it is not right Mrs Bottinkofer, a German nurse in the hospital of Hamburg 64 years old, who is very tired as her Government has postponed her retirement period, year by year, now has to postpone other 5 years the day of her pension, as some of her money (somehow) has to be transfered to Italy. As in Italy the Nationa Pension Agency (INPS) has not enough money to pay its retired people. But I know personally a nurse that, when she had their children very young, she decided to get retired. She was about 38/39 years old, and pensioner. Who has to be blamed for that? Who had the greatest benefit for that? Do you know some very young pensioner (we, joking, we call them baby pensioners...) that they are collecting a pension and, at the meantime, they are having some small works as plumbers, house painters, etc... My house, when I was a child, has been painted by a police man, and in my hotel the watchman was a very early retired former town hall worker. I can give to you several example. And all of you have also several other example. We are the only responsible of the present disaster. We are the only beneficiaries of those easy money spent by our State in our economy

The only detail our German friend has forgotten is the problem of a strong currency, the one the West Germany had till years 2002. When I was young, here in Italy, a doctor, a pharmacist, a small entrepreneur, when they wanted to buy this car below...


... they had to spend almost twice (in Italian Liras) the money they needed to spend for those Italian alternative...


... or ...


... or ...


... because when our rich men were going to exchange they Italian Liras in German Marks, the price of the Mercedes 190 (as well Audi 100...) almost doubled. And the export of Germany had to strive.

Now, you have a market of 500 million of consumers that have in their pockets just German Marks, all people can (finally) buy products Made in Germany . Remember that 75% of Germany export is sold in U.E.

So, think twice before to be so rude with us. In doing so, you just want the benefits of a single currency, without to pay the cons (and cost) of that currency.

It's too easy going... For a German ... Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine
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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da nerorosso »

Per noi italiani i tedeschi sono questo ... i_Stazzema

Questo siete voi tedeschi per noi.
Non potrà mai esserci fratellanza tra noi.

Non potremo mai dimenticare.

I vostri crimini gridano ancora vendetta.


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Iscritto il: 10 giu 2019, 11:41
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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da heyoka »

nerorosso ha scritto: 25 apr 2020, 1:46 Per noi italiani i tedeschi sono questo ... i_Stazzema

Questo siete voi tedeschi per noi.
Non potrà mai esserci fratellanza tra noi.

Non potremo mai dimenticare.

I vostri crimini gridano ancora vendetta.


Io non darei giudizi sommari sul popolo tedesco, per quanto è successo in guerra.
La guerra è una cosa sporca dove sono tutti vittime.
Anche gli esecutori delle stragi.
La vita è come un ponte, puoi attraversarla ma non costruirci una casa sopra.
(Proverbio dei Sioux)
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Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 20:31
Località: Messina
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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Valerio »

Anche perché, di quelli, non ne è rimasto nessuno. Bye
Sovranità al Cittadino.
Non abbiamo un pianeta B
In onore dei pennuti heyokani: Non ereditiamo la terra dai nostri antenati, la prendiamo in prestito dai nostri figli.
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Iscritto il: 4 apr 2020, 10:50
Ha Ricevuto: 1 Mi Piace

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da ErikH »

Holubice ha scritto: 20 apr 2020, 11:22
ErikH ha scritto: 13 apr 2020, 17:06 ...
Aquote text
They made a plan for Italy now here in Germany, now that Eurobonds are off the table.

Evry italian has to pay 15% tax on his savings. People who have savings larger than 100.000 € have to pay 30% tax. That way the Italian debt would be cut down to zero. In Germany people believe that italians should pay their debt before asking us for help.

Germany will never and under no circumstances agree to shared debt. Thats the absolute no go for Germans and not just us. The Netherlands and Austria dont want this as well. So as long we dont have aliens attacking earth, there wont be Eurobonds.

Italy tried to break our red line but failed. It was typical big italian drama. Much screaming, crying but as usual it quickly ended when we did not give by.

That said, Germany likes Italy. That doesnt mean we want to pay italian debt. When this crisis is over, Germans will travel Italy, bring money. Germany will invest in Italy like before.

We are friends, not cows to be milked.

As for history, as a German i can only laugh when Italians and Greeks bring up their great old civilisations and say Germans were barbarians back then.

Thats wrong in evry aspect. Our ancestors had different circumstances. Germans had high culture. When you look at old artifacts like the sky disc from Nebra, you can see that old germanics had a knowledge about nature and astronomy that was even ahead of Egypt
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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Holubice »

nerorosso ha scritto: 25 apr 2020, 1:46 Per noi italiani i tedeschi sono questo ... i_Stazzema

Questo siete voi tedeschi per noi.
Non potrà mai esserci fratellanza tra noi.
Non potremo mai dimenticare.
I vostri crimini gridano ancora vendetta.
Dimentichi di dire che, il maggiore alleato di questi assassini, fino a pochi giorni prima che tutto volgesse al peggio, eravamo proprio noi...

Io non fare questi discorsi nei villaggi della Jugoslavia occupata dalle regie truppe di Mussolini. Non lo farei in Albania, né in Grecia (spezzeremo le reni alla Grecia...!), nè nelle pianure della Ucraina, tanto meno in Libia. Per non parlare dei villaggi del Negus in Etiopia che, non riuscendo a vincere nemmeno quelli, abbiamo gasato con l'hyprite...

Noi, con gli Ungheresi e i Rumeni, siamo gli ultimi che possiamo dare dei Nazisti ai tedeschi...

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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Holubice »

ErikH ha scritto: 25 apr 2020, 16:16 They made a plan for Italy now here in Germany, now that Eurobonds are off the table.

Evry italian has to pay 15% tax on his savings. People who have savings larger than 100.000 € have to pay 30% tax. That way the Italian debt would be cut down to zero. In Germany people believe that italians should pay their debt before asking us for help.

Germany will never and under no circumstances agree to shared debt. Thats the absolute no go for Germans and not just us. The Netherlands and Austria dont want this as well. So as long we dont have aliens attacking earth, there wont be Eurobonds.

Italy tried to break our red line but failed. It was typical big italian drama. Much screaming, crying but as usual it quickly ended when we did not give by.

That said, Germany likes Italy. That doesnt mean we want to pay italian debt. When this crisis is over, Germans will travel Italy, bring money. Germany will invest in Italy like before.

We are friends, not cows to be milked.

As for history, as a German i can only laugh when Italians and Greeks bring up their great old civilisations and say Germans were barbarians back then.

Thats wrong in evry aspect. Our ancestors had different circumstances. Germans had high culture. When you look at old artifacts like the sky disc from Nebra, you can see that old germanics had a knowledge about nature and astronomy that was even ahead of Egypt

What Hell are you saying...!?!

We entered in the single Euro currency just to share our enormous debt with our more solvent neighbors.

This is a betrayal...!


I am not joking, I am absolutely serious that our Politicians, 20 years ago, wanted to get in just for that.
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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Holubice »

ErikH ha scritto: 13 apr 2020, 17:06 Germany has become the hero of Europe by taking COVID-19 patients from all over Europe and save their life ... ropas.html
Thats what matters, not giving our money away for free.
And you know what. Im proud that my ancestors lived in wood houses when Rome was a barbaric tyranny and had mostrosities like the Colosseum, where hundredthousands of people were killed.
Im also proud that it were my ancestors, who destroyed the roman army.
It were Germans who destroyed Rome and freed Europe from its terror.
We have a giant monument here, where Hermann (you call him Arminius) crushs the roman eagle under his feet


You call it arrogance, when Germany doesnt want be robbed by people who dont work. I say its just natural that we stand to fight off people who want robb us.
Italy NEVER has helped Germany in the last 2500 years.
I have nothing against the fact that we send medicine and help your people medical.
What we will not do is to send our money and we will NEVER give italian politicians the right to decide about german money.


"I have never met anybody more cynical than a Nation..."
(Charles De Gaulle)

You are young, you are still right to do your mistakes and extreme simplification. Reality is never all white and all black. And reality is that any country, in the single currency adventure, they wanted just to gain the benefits they (for sure) sow could come from. I explain better...

Since 1990 till 1999, Germany lived a trouble economical period: domestic output was low, unemployment was (relatively) high, a nation hyper evaluated currency (German Mark) made any German product very expensive to sell abroad. In the same period, here in Italy we experienced a relatively economical little boom, I remember nobody was without job, and incomes were (relatively) high. When Germany entered in the Euro currency, finally could sell its products (cars, electrical appliances, etc...) at a relatively lower price. You did all around the world, for instance in the United States. And, somehow, Germany put some New German Marks in the pockets of many rich tax evaders of PIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) so those consumers could buy very expensive German goods, instead their national equivalent (for instance, a new Mercedes Benz, instead a new Alfa Romeo). That was really a great help for German Industry.

That was a perfect move: you gain a considerable economical boost (with a weaker currency)... without the cons of a Banana Republic currency, I mean very high interest on national bonds, and hyper inflation.

There is also another very dangerous risk of Italy (and great opportunity) for Germany: when everything goes down, all those people here in my country who earn money in the black market (with tax evasion) they expect an imminent great patrimonial confiscation, so they are trying to export their money abroad. And your angel German bankers helped them to do so....

German police raid Deutsche Bank over suspected money laundering


"... A money laundering probe stemming from the "Panama Papers" has led police to Deutsche Bank, according to authorities. Prosecutors believe the bank helped clients "transfer money from criminal activities" to tax havens. ..." (READ THE LINK ABOVE) ... ring-probe ... 7863104760

... in other words, your banks operated in the same way Swiss bank always did in the past. But, as Swiss banks have not permission to install their offices here (as they are not in the single U.E. market) the German banks take advantage of their absence, and they did their jobs. CHAPEAUX...! And, while the economical and financial situation will get worse, and worse, the more the Italian Tax Evader, as well Mafia Bosses, they will move their capital (also) in Hamburg and Munich.

Ok, you hate the Roman Empire, but listen to Vespasiano...

Pecunia non olet

Nothing is just white, or just black. That happen just inside the main chip processor of your computer...


... nowhere else...

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Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Holubice »

In totale ci sono 1156 utenti connessi : 23 registrati, 1 nascosto e 1132 ospiti (basato sugli utenti attivi negli ultimi 720 minuti)
Ma io dico... Porco %io...,
Ci sono 1156 utenti connessi, possibile che nessun altro, oltre a me, sia in grado di sostenere una conversazione in inglese, più o meno, decente con questo giovanotto...?

Ma quanto ca$$o schifo fanno le nostre scuole e i nostri insegnanti di inglese...?

E quanto non hanno voglia di fare un ca$$o i nostri studenti che vi sono parcheggiati dentro...?

Ma a tutta questa gente domattina, non gli si può togliere l'astuccio, e dare direttamente il badile...?

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Messaggi: 5998
Iscritto il: 8 giu 2019, 20:31
Località: Messina
Ha Assegnato: 3562 Mi Piace
Ha Ricevuto: 2766 Mi Piace

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da Valerio »

ErikH ha scritto: 25 apr 2020, 16:16
Holubice ha scritto: 20 apr 2020, 11:22
ErikH ha scritto: 13 apr 2020, 17:06 ...
Aquote text
They made a plan for Italy now here in Germany, now that Eurobonds are off the table.

Evry italian has to pay 15% tax on his savings. People who have savings larger than 100.000 € have to pay 30% tax. That way the Italian debt would be cut down to zero. In Germany people believe that italians should pay their debt before asking us for help.

Germany will never and under no circumstances agree to shared debt. Thats the absolute no go for Germans and not just us. The Netherlands and Austria dont want this as well. So as long we dont have aliens attacking earth, there wont be Eurobonds.

Italy tried to break our red line but failed. It was typical big italian drama. Much screaming, crying but as usual it quickly ended when we did not give by.

That said, Germany likes Italy. That doesnt mean we want to pay italian debt. When this crisis is over, Germans will travel Italy, bring money. Germany will invest in Italy like before.

We are friends, not cows to be milked.

As for history, as a German i can only laugh when Italians and Greeks bring up their great old civilisations and say Germans were barbarians back then.

Thats wrong in evry aspect. Our ancestors had different circumstances. Germans had high culture. When you look at old artifacts like the sky disc from Nebra, you can see that old germanics had a knowledge about nature and astronomy that was even ahead of Egypt
Study some history. German barbarians were influenced by Persian scientists. But they remained barbarians.

The Celts have left multiple traces of Indo-European culture.
Sovranità al Cittadino.
Non abbiamo un pianeta B
In onore dei pennuti heyokani: Non ereditiamo la terra dai nostri antenati, la prendiamo in prestito dai nostri figli.
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Connesso: No
Messaggi: 55
Iscritto il: 4 apr 2020, 10:50
Ha Ricevuto: 1 Mi Piace

Re: Greetings from Germany - some facts about current situation Germany / Italy

Messaggio da leggere da ErikH »

Valerio ha scritto: 26 apr 2020, 10:05
ErikH ha scritto: 25 apr 2020, 16:16
Holubice ha scritto: 20 apr 2020, 11:22
ErikH ha scritto: 13 apr 2020, 17:06 ...
Aquote text
They made a plan for Italy now here in Germany, now that Eurobonds are off the table.

Evry italian has to pay 15% tax on his savings. People who have savings larger than 100.000 € have to pay 30% tax. That way the Italian debt would be cut down to zero. In Germany people believe that italians should pay their debt before asking us for help.

Germany will never and under no circumstances agree to shared debt. Thats the absolute no go for Germans and not just us. The Netherlands and Austria dont want this as well. So as long we dont have aliens attacking earth, there wont be Eurobonds.

Italy tried to break our red line but failed. It was typical big italian drama. Much screaming, crying but as usual it quickly ended when we did not give by.

That said, Germany likes Italy. That doesnt mean we want to pay italian debt. When this crisis is over, Germans will travel Italy, bring money. Germany will invest in Italy like before.

We are friends, not cows to be milked.

As for history, as a German i can only laugh when Italians and Greeks bring up their great old civilisations and say Germans were barbarians back then.

Thats wrong in evry aspect. Our ancestors had different circumstances. Germans had high culture. When you look at old artifacts like the sky disc from Nebra, you can see that old germanics had a knowledge about nature and astronomy that was even ahead of Egypt
Study some history. German barbarians were influenced by Persian scientists. But they remained barbarians.

The Celts have left multiple traces of Indo-European culture.
The sky disc of Nebra is 3500 years older than Persia.

German priests surpassed in their knowledge about astronomy evrything rome ever could bring up.

Germans also outmatched rome in smithing and iron production.

The most barbaric people in Europe were the Romans. You wont find anything more savage and barbaric than the things that happened in the colosseum. Murdering thousands of men, women and children for nothing as entertainment, is one of the lowest things Europe ever brought up. Also Rome was based on slavery.

Rome treated women like dirt, while germanic women were 100% equal to men and decided with the men about important matters. Slavery was something unheared in germanic lands.

I respect Greece. I have no respect for Rome and im proud that it were Germans who crushed and ended Rome.

It was one of the greatest things in our history, that it were Germans who destroyed Rome and brought down one of the most savage and barbarian Empires in the world, rivalled maybe only by the Aztecs in its bllodlust and savagery.

So study some history, your schools might be not very good, because lack of public funding, but in 2020 you can learn history evrywhere :)

I visited Italy 5 years ago with school. I was not impressed. Your monuments lack the impressive aura monuments in Egypt have. And they lack the style of Greece. They appear like cheap copies and in a way they are. Our history teacher explained it quite right. Rome was to Greece what America is to Britain. One is a great culture and the other one a pompous and cheap copy.

As for calling my ancestors barbarians. I guess thats a honor. Your emperors switched their pretorian guards to be only Germanics, because we are stronger and better fighters.

See, you got something from a German now. Maybe not money but some education.